/BCO-DMO/PaPaPro/T_Lake_PC1_Chronology ---- Level 0

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#  14C dates from core PC1, T Lake, Palau
#  PI: Julian P. Sachs (University of Washington)
#  Co-PI: Michael Dawson (UC Merced)
#  Version date: 19-June-2019
Labcode         depth_top  mat_dated         raw_14C  raw_14C_err  calib_14C_95_lo  calib_14C_95_up  
D-AMS 013991    81         plant fragment    -799     25           -766             25               
D-AMS 013992    159        plant fragment    290      25           291              451              
D-AMS 013993    245        plant fragment    597      24           543              650              
D-AMS 007008    324        wood fragment     961      23           796              929              
D-AMS 007009    496        leaf fragment     1790     29           1622             1816             
D-AMS 007006    684        seed              2315     28           2207             2359             
D-AMS 013994    789        plant fragment    4005     32           4416             4565             
D-AMS 013995    874        plant fragment    4432     29           4878             5275             
D-AMS 007007    1033       wood fragment     6375     30           7256             7415             
D-AMS 026974    1060       plant fragment    6802     36           7587             7684             
D-AMS 026975    1095.5     wood fragment     7257     32           8007             8164             
D-AMS 026976    1115       plant fragment    7959     45           8649             8989             
D-AMS 007010    1143       wood fragment     8220     34           9032             9293